The University of Manchester

Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero

Linguistics and English Language, University of Manchester









Teaching and supervision


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King Alfred, CP I.25.17


An interview with the UoM LingSoc

On TikTok: see clips 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.




   PhD supervision



I am particularly interested in supervising research in the following areas:

  • phonological and morphological theory, specially the morphosyntax-phonology and phonology-phonetics interfaces;

  • diachronic phonology and morphology;

  • phonological and morphological issues in English (from prehistoric times to the present) and Spanish.

My former doctoral students include:

You can follow their exploits in chronological order in Manchet: [show/hide timeline]

I have also served, among others, on the following dissertation committees:


   BA and MA teaching


In the second semester of the academic year 2023-2024 I have taught the following units:

  Office hours now by appointment:

room NG.4, Samuel Alexander Building.



































































































































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